score retrieval is now compatible with vegan 2.7.0ord_explore
helper sampleAnnotation
will now work with R 4.4ibd
phyloseq dataset added to microViz, as no longer included in corncob.corncob
can now only be installed from GitHub, as is currently not available from CRAN. corncob
is a suggested dependency of microViz from which data is borrowed for use in several examples, and which is needed is bbdml models are requested in tax_model.taxatree_models
now accepts transformation arguments to allow transformation after aggregation at each ranktaxatree_stats_p_adjust
can accept multiple grouping variables without specifying new_var.comp_barplot
taxon ordering is now correct when tax_level is set to "Taxon"tax_select()
tax_list argument can now actually take a list (Issue #100)taxatree_plots
with taxatree_labels
and taxatree_plot_labels
works properly also with phyloseq object that lack a rooting rank (e.g. kingdom)comp_barplot
bars are now in the correct order again when using tax_level = "unique"taxatree_plots
with taxatree_labels
and taxatree_plot_labels
works properly (without losing stats info for any rank)taxatree_plotkey
IMPORTANT BUG FIX: layout now matches taxatree_plots againps_get
can return phyloseq with taxon counts when counts = TRUE and counts are availabletaxatree_plots
and keys more robust #43 and no deprecation warnings #80tax_transform
add argument accepts "halfmin" again #77tax_top
can use_counts #78Major internal changes from S3 ps_extra to S4 psExtra objects. See article about this change
This version also introduces changes around tax_model
and taxatree_models
operator to access parts of the old "ps_extra" S3 class will no longer work and must be replaced with accessor functions, e.g. ps_get
and taxatree_model
parallel processing with future and future.apply is off by default, and needs to be enabled with argument use_future = TRUE.tax_model
attaches results to psExtra object by default, but you can restore old behaviour with return_psx = FALSEcomp_barplot
"other" taxa category renamed to "Other" by defaulttax_model
and taxatree_model
can now run multiple models per taxon, by accepting lists for formula or variables arguments.
This allows running e.g. three simple regression models per taxon with predictors a, b, and c with variables = list("a", "b", "c")cor_test
is a new simple wrapper around stats::cor.test
with a y~x formula interface, allowing its use in tax_model
gains x argument, to change default x aesthetic to something other than SAMPLE,
which is useful for (faceted) plotting of repeated samples from the same site/individual
over time or in different conditions when some samples are missing (see compositions tutorial article)ps_seriate
can now aggregate taxa before seriation (returns unaggregated still)comp_barplot
is now easier, just name the taxa you want to see first in the tax_order argument, and they will be brought to the fronttax_reorder
is exported, and now accepts a subset of all available taxa names (powering the improvement in comp_barplot)tax_rename
accepts integerish values for pad_digits argumentotu_get
correctly subsets samples or taxa if requestedRobust clr and robust aitchison distance are now supported following their inclusion in vegan - tax_transform
supports "rclr" (robust centered log ratio) - dist_calc
supports "robust.aitchison" distance (as rclr & euclidean distance)
now allows keeping a specified number of samples per group, not just one, which could be useful for e.g. keeping the first 2 samples per participant or site.
shao19 dataset now included in microViz for use in the "Learn microbiome analysis with microViz" tutorial
now deduplicates samples correctly when duplicates are specified with multiple variables, and provides a labelling-only mode to check duplicate identification result before removal.tax_palette
allows easy creation of a fixed colour palette for taxa, to use with e.g. comp_barplotps_calc_diversity
and ps_calc_richness
to calculate a diversity or richness index (using microbiome package functions) and add to phyloseq sample datatax_rename
allows renaming of taxa using unique combination of classification at any chosen rank and abundance of that taxon (e.g. ASV145 becomes Bifidobacterium-002, which can be interpreted as the second most abundant Bifidobacterium ASV)tax_sort
can now sort taxa "asis" (i.e. do nothing), which now permits upfront custom sorting of taxa for use in comp_barplot
can now transform taxa temporarily for sorting e.g. to sort by mean compositional (%) relative abundancecomp_heatmap
and cor_heatmap
and their helpers are largely rewritten. For guidance, see the new website article on heatmaps.
and varAnnotation
annotation helper functions replace the deprecated tax_anno
and var_anno
is added for coordinating sample annotations on comp_heatmap
helpers for each of the annotation coordinating functions abovetaxatree_plots
can now show symbols indicating multiple levels of statistical significancetaxatree_plots
: it is now easier to use other colour palettes with their default luminanceord_explore
can perform "binary" transformations, unlocking interactive use of Binary Jaccard etc.tax_transform
gains add
argument to simply add a constant value to all otu_table values before transformation (as an alternative to zero_replace
gains keep_counts
argument for consistency with tax_transform
now only requires corncob
to be installed when actually usedord_explore
barplot numerical inputs are now debounced to prevent lag from repeated redrawingThe taxatree_* family of functions are largely rewritten. For guidance, see the new website article on statistical modelling of taxa.
now attaches resulting list to ps_extrataxatree_models2stats
must be run on the output of taxatree_models
before using taxatree_plots
has different arguments and can now be directly labelled with taxatree_plot_labels
when taxatree_label
is run first to identify which taxa to label.taxatree_plotkey
has different arguments, with more flexible labelling conditions and a smarter label positioning approach.tax_model
and taxatree_models
now use "lm" type by default, instead of "bbdml", as corncob
is only a suggested dependency.ord_plot
default labels now have alpha
= 1 for both taxa and constraints (previously 0.8)ord_plot
"auto"matic loading/constraint vector length scalar adjustment improvement: now uses both axescomp_barplot
now uses bray-curtis by default for sample ordering (instead of aitchison) as this generally looks bettercomp_barplot
now expects palette argument colours in first-to-last order, which is more intuitive than the previous reverse orderdistinct_palette
now adds "lightgrey" to end by defaulttax_filter
's is_counts
argument replaced by use_counts
, allowing it to filter ps_extra objects using stored count data (i.e. after tax_transform
can no longer transform data internally, but accepts data already transformed with tax_transform
and uses stored count data in the ps_extra for any taxa annotationstax_anno
heatmap annotation default style slightly changed.tax_names2rank
replaces deprecated tax_names2tt
arrow labels can now be rotated with the help of tax_lab_style()
and constraint_lab_style()
function added, for conveniently identifying the dominant taxon in each phyloseq sampledistinct_palette
gains "kelly" and "greenArmytage" palettes and helpfully adds "lightgrey" to the end by default for convenient use as the palette argument to comp_barplot
can now chain multiple transformations together and records these transformations in the ps_extra outputtax_mutate
function added, for modifying the tax_table rank variables with dplyr
can now sort ps_extra objectstax_anno
no longer requires 'column' or 'row' to be specified in advanceprev
, a low level helper function for calculating taxon prevalence now exportedcor_heatmap
and comp_heatmap
now respect column seriation arguments when different to row seriationcomp_barplot
now actually orders grouped samples by similarity AFTER splitting into groups, as documentedUpdated citation information for JOSS publication. No other changes.
Release accompanying JOSS manuscript acceptance.
gains vec_*
helper functions for generating lists for styling taxa and constraint vectors/arrows (vec_constraint
, vec_tax_all
and vec_tax_sel
shapes selection bug fixed by limiting to 5 shapes returned by new scale_shape_girafe_filled
added, for drawing convex hulls on ord_plot and ord_explore ordinationsadd_paths
added, for drawing geom_paths connecting a subset of samples (over time) on an ordination plotphyloseq_validate
no longer checks "unique" tax_table rank column for NAs or nchar<4 (avoiding warnings in ord_explore caused by short taxa_names)ord_explore
can now draw stat_ellipse or taxa loading vectorstax_agg
error messages now include personalised suggested tax_fix codeord_explore
Shiny app GUI can now also be used to interactively generate ordination plots, and to generate ord_plot
bug fix - can now plot any dimensiontax_fill_unknowns
verbose = FALSE is actually silent now.ord_explore
now compatible with Shiny version >=1.5.0tax_fix
now sends messages about fixing completely anonymous rows, instead of warningsAllows ps_seriate
, ps_arrange
, ps_reorder
, ps_mutate
, and ps_select
to work directly with ps_extra
objects, as this can be helpful when quickly exploring / printing aggregated data, as in the new "Working with phyloseq objects" tutorial.
replaces the deprecated tax_fill_unknowns
, tax_fix
has all the same arguments except the 'levels' argument, which was removedtax_fix_interactive
Shiny app will help you clean up your taxonomy table with tax_fix
and ord_explore
no longer take ps argument of untransformed counts, because (by default) tax_transform
now keeps the untransformed counts otu_table in the ps_extra objectord_explore
now allows much better control over selection of points (using ggiraph
now has interactive option with ggiraph
gains ord_plot argument, allowing a simple pairing of iris plot and ordination to be made more easilycomp_barplot
(and by extension ord_plot_iris
) can now be made interactive in a simple fashion, using ggiraph for hover/tooltip interaction with taxaThis is the first public release version of microViz. It is still under active development, so pay attention to the following:
argument agg_level renamed to rank. tax_agg
returns taxa in different order than before (and now different order from, but same aggregation as, microbiome::aggregate_taxa()
). tax_agg now checks if taxa cannot be uniquely identified at the specified rank level. (now also about twice as fast)tax_fill_unknowns
x arg renamed to ps. Also now stops when unknown values are detected to the left of known values in the tax_table, as this should always be wrong/need fixing. Also, by default it now searches a larger list of probably unknown/uninformative tax_table values e.g. "k__NA", "p__Unknown" will now be replacedcomp_barplot
gets merge_other argument, which, when FALSE, shows full diversity of samples by outlining individual taxa within the (grey) "other" category!tax_sort
for sorting taxa in tax_table and otu_table by several name or abundance options (deletes phy_tree if present!)tax_transform
can take a rank argument, to perform aggregation (internally using tax_agg) and transformation with one function, and record the results. This is now the recommended usage!tax_transform
new transformation = "binary" can convert to presence/absence data (used by tax_sort
for by = "prev")tax_top
for flexibly returning top n taxa, at chosen rank, with ordering by tax_sort
and comp_heatmap
argument changed: 'taxa_which' replaced with 'taxa_side' for easier control over where taxa annotations are placed (default behaviour stays the same)cor_heatmap
with variable distributions using var_anno
and its helpers: anno_var_box
and anno_var_hist
gets 'var_fun' argument for transforming variables before correlatingphyloseq_validate
checks for zero taxa, which can happen after filtering samplestax_filter
gets undetected arg (greater than), as optional alternative to prev_detection_threshold (greater than or equal to)viz_heatmap
internal function fix)heat_palette
can set range arg manually now without errorscor_heatmap
for microbe-metadata correlation heatmapscomp_heatmap
for visualising taxonomic composition across samples (ordered/clustered)ord_calc
can now guess which method the user wants by default (by checking for presence of distance matrix and constraints)ord_plot
auto_caption size can now be set, and it also now exposes the coord_*
args: expand and clipord_plot_iris
now handles multiple rings of anno_binary annotations, and anno_binary position is now closer when no anno_colour is setord_explore
shiny app menu styling is a little cleaner (but still needs some love)tax_scale
for applying base::scale()
to phyloseq otu_tabletax_name
for easily setting informative unique phyloseq taxa_namesdist_permanova
's obsolete return arg removedtax_filter
gets explicit handling of compositional inputtax_fill_unknowns
gets better handling of fully unclassified taxataxatree_nodes
now checks for cross-rank name duplications, which would mess up the taxatree graph structureord_explore
now works with ps_extra classestax_fill_unknowns
gives informative error on data with only one taxonomic ranktax_filter
ps argument default removedord_calc
now correctly returns subsetted phyloseq in ps_extra obj after constrained ordinationtaxatree_plots
and taxatree_plotkey
now have reactive automatic minimum node and edge sizes that depend on the set maxesdist_permanova
replaces permanova
for naming consistency and guiding usercomp_barplot
replaces plot_comp_bar
in anticipation of (a) future heatmap function(s) named comp_heatmap or similarNew "ps_extra" class (S3) conveniently stores phyloseq object alongside any calculated distance matrix, ordination and permanova models, as well as records of tax_agg
and tax_transform
calls. "ps_extra" class objects have a pretty and compact print method, a simple list structure, and convenient accessor functions to return each component: ps_get
, info_get
, dist_get
, ord_get
, perm_get
, bdisp_get
and taxatree_models
can handle linear modeling e.g. on compositional (TS-Scaled) datataxatree_plots
has more sensible defaults (automatic symmetrical colour limits and variable selection based on model type)ord_plot_iris
the data
arg is replaced with ord
and conditionally optional ps
arg for when data in ord
have been transformedpermanova
always uses adonis2 now, so that arg is removed, and replaced with by
argument to set sums of squares choiceord_plot
gets a center
argument to center expand the plot limits to center around zero (useful when pairing with ord_plot_iris
can now also display ordinations that don't use distances like PCA and RDA (as well as PCoA of course)ord_explore
gains a ps
arg (for untransformed version) and other tweaks to facilitate using transformed data in ord
annotation args are now NULL by default.microbiome::aggregate_top_taxa
is copied directly into microViz
to avoid its coming deprecation and the current warning.taxatree_models
and taxatree_plots
bring tree-based visualisations of statistical modelstax_model
replaces tax_model_corncob
as a function that will eventually be generalised to use other model typestaxatree_plots
and taxatree_plotkey
replaces the rudimentary taxatree_plot
allows interactive exploration of the composition of ordinated samples using Shiny
for pca-ordered circular compositional barplots to pair with ord_plot
for easily selecting variables within phyloseq sample dataord_plot
exposes scaling argumentcalc_dist
--> dist_calc
--> dist_bdisp
--> ord_calc
--> ord_plot
--> tax_model_corncob
for ordering phyloseq samples by similarityps_filter
allows filtering of phyloseq
samples by values of variables in sample_data
(wrapper around dplyr
's filter
no longer needs .across
argument to use dplyr::across()
bug fix method = "readcount" now correctly keeps all samples that "first" or "last" methods dops_arrange
allows reordering of phyloseq
samples by values of variables in sample_data
or otu_table
(wrapper around dplyr
's arrange
add taxon abundance variables from phyloseq
to sample_data
for use in plotting etcps_mutate
allowing easy and piped modification of phyloseq
(wrapper around dplyr
's mutate
allows easy and piped addition of a dataframe of data to phyloseq
(wrapper around dplyr
's *_join
arguments changed to allow easier sizing and styling of all vectors and labelsplot_ordin8
default styling of taxon and constraint vectors and labels is changed: background vectors are now semi-transparent and dashed lines are not used any more by default (but can be set)ordin8
and plot_ordin8
get basic support for CCA and NMDS methods finallyplot_comp_bar
gets order_samples_with_all_taxa
and tax_transform_for_ordering
groups added to Visualising Compositions article on website.phyloseq_validate
now fixes otu_tables stored as integers and messages user about suspicious or NA tax_table entries and this happens as part of plot_comp_bar
and plot_ordin8
and plot_ordin8
gain taxon_renamer
argument to allow you to customise the taxon names on these plots
can now handle missing values in the grouping variable by converting NAs to "NA"s
Some functions renamed for naming consistency:
-> tax_prepend_ranks
-> model_tax_corncob
-> modelsmodels2stats_corncob
-> taxatree_
file to track changes to the package.